About Us
Vince is a long-time backcountry adventurer, with over 20 years of experience. Stacie is a writer and studier of nature, with a lifelong love of the outdoors. Having met on a volunteer project in the wilderness of a National Park, and married in 2016, we have combined our experience and interests, and have embarked on our greatest adventures yet!
Our Mission
Two Weeks in a Hammock is an education and outreach initiative to inspire regular folks to get out into nature. As two middle-aged people with average fitness levels and more time than money, we model an active lifestyle of adventure.
A society that values nature promotes good citizenship and stewardship. This creates public policy mindful of environmental impacts, educated voters with firsthand knowledge of ecology, and cultural practices supporting more fulfilling lives grounded in the natural world.
So what? So why are we doing this?
Our vision is to bring more people into natural settings, for spiritual renewal and refreshment away from crowds, technology, and built environments. It's about getting into the grace of the wild spaces, to equip people with the general knowledge they need and the inspiration to know that they can do it.
It's not about what camping gear to take. It's about how to enter into the sacred spaces of natural beauty.
"In wildness is the preservation of the world," Henry David Thoreau
Vince Sadowski
Vince is a long-time backcountry adventurer, with over 20 years of experience camping, hiking, and paddling. He began traveling and documenting his experiences in 2000, and has logged thousands of miles on backcountry hammock camping trips. In both group and solo settings, he has amassed vast experiences in not only outdoor living, but also the value of nature to both the body and spirit.
Stacie Longwell Sadowski
Stacie is a writer and studier of nature, with a lifelong love of the outdoors. As a degreed biochemist, she has developed a scientific appreciation for the diversity found in wilderness. As a lifelong spiritual sojourner, she has cultivated an inner life with an appreciation for the transcendent beauty of nature.
How We Met
Organizations Where We Hold Active Memberships: Preserve Historic Sleeping Bear, Manitou Island Memorial Society, North Manitou Light Keepers, North Country Trail Association, Leave No Trace, Leelanau Historical Society, Historical Society of Michigan, Friends of Sleeping Bear, Michigan Oral History Association
Organizations We Participate With For Volunteer Service: Preserve Historic Sleeping Bear, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Leelanau Historical Society, Historical Society of Michigan, Friends of Sleeping Bear
Organization Where Employed: Leelanau Conservancy (Stacie)